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"It was clear to me from the outset: I won't stop selling at 65."

MediaMarktSaturn is not just any retailer. Our employees are the key success factor on our path to becoming an Experience Champion. Our company is as diverse and multifaceted as our employees, their tasks and their backgrounds. They are our Experience Champions - because they create a unique shopping experience for our customers. They tell their stories here.

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Corporate News: From a pilot project to a successful business model

How 44,000 smartphones at MediaMarktSaturn increase productivity as well as service and consultation quality. Introduced as a pilot project in Germany, MediaMarktSaturn's employee smartphones have become a successful business model within two years. Around 44,000 devices, including the "MyStore" and "Pick'n'Pack" apps developed in-house, are now in use by almost all store associates in all of the approximately 1,000 stores in Europe. Thanks to digital support, productivity has improved significantly. This leaves employees more time for customer consultation and service. A particularly attractive feature is the 30-minute pick-up guarantee.
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Corporate News: On the "BetterWay" to more sustainability

As Europe's leading consumer electronics retailer, MediaMarktSaturn and CECONOMY AG also want to be a role model in the industry when it comes to sustainability - CEO Dr. Karsten Wildberger: "It is our responsibility as a company to make a relevant social contribution to sustainability." Sustainability is one of the most important building blocks of corporate strategy for the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group and CECONOMY AG. All offers and activities in this area are now being bundled under the "BetterWay" logo. An initial review shows: MediaMarktSaturn is well on its way to enabling all its customers to live more sustainably with its offers and, at the same time, to making its business processes even more environmentally friendly, step by step.
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